Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Everbody Died. (Except Horatio)

It started out innocently enough. I was just supposed to fence with Laertes, but then my mom drank poison, I killed Laertes and Claudius (I threw a sword through his chest) , and then the poison got to me. The only one left to rule the Kingdom of Denmark was Fortinbras. I know this is a lot, but I just had to get it off of my chest. It might just be the last thing that I blog about for a while.

Ophelia Died?

No!!! My one true love. Even though I didn't always act like I loved her, I really did. I am sorry if I am partly to blame for her death. I did kill her father, but she shouldn't have done this to herself. The worst part of her death is that I can't take vengeance on it.

Return Trip

It turns out that I didn't get to go to England like I thought I would. Long story short, pirates took me back to Denmark. As I was taken to the pirate ship, I happened to find a letter demanding my death upon arrival to England, but I craftily changed it so that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern would die. When they deliver the letter, they will be the bearers of bad news. Suckers. Denmark here I come.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm a changed man.

Seeing Fortinbras lead twenty thousand men to fight for nothing is making me feel like a coward. If he can dispose of so many lives, then surely I should be able to dispose of my uncle. Never before have I seen such aggressive action from one man. Alack! I have resolved to forever more be hell bent, and put Claudius where he belongs. Watch out, if you get me angry I might go after you next!

Kicked Out of the Castle

It's finally happened. I'm getting to go to England! I've always wanted to go there, but I haven't had the chance. Now that I killed Polonius, Claudius is making me go. What a sweet deal! England, here I come.

I Showed My Mom How Evil She Is.

My mom caught a glimpse of her wrongdoing. I had a pretty thorough chat with her and now everything is cool. She knows the truth about Claudius, and can now see how much of a mistake her new marriage was.

One down, one to go.

For those of you that haven't heard, I just killed Polonius. He was practically the king's shadow, constantly hiding, watching, and listening for the King. With him, gone the King is going to have to face me one-on-one. Polonius was good practice. Bring it on, Claudius!

Monday, October 26, 2009

I Almost Killed Claudius!

I was right there next to the no-good King, holding my dagger above his head, ready to strike. He must have been so enraptured in his prayer. It sounded like he was praying to try to resolve his sin. I did not kill him then because I was afeared that he might have gone to heaven. I know it's terrible thinking that someone like him might get in, but I couldn't take my chances. Methinks I must wait until he is doing something dirty, filthy, and unquestionably evil.

The King Didn't Like the Play.

The terrible King Claudius was so angry(or moved) at my play that he stood up right in the middle of it and had to leave. I now know beyond a doubt that he did indeed kill my father. Come sweet revenge, let me take from him what he took from my father!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ophelia Should Be A Nun. (Cause she ain't getting none)

I am so angry with Ophelia She tries to be cute but no one cares, especially not me. Women. I don't understand them. First I love Ophelia and I am nice to her, and then she lets her dad spy on me. Fie! What of that!


What Passion!

Today I saw a real player that knew his stuff. His acting could make you cry in the blink of an eye. I must get him to be in a play that reenacts my father's death. I will study the way Claudius watches the play so I will be able to see if he truly killed my dad. After all, I don't know if that ghost I saw was real, or if it was the devil tempting me to kill someone. It wouldn't be the first time...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Worst Day Ever

Why is my life just getting worse and worse? It seems like the universe is conspiring against me.
As if my dad dying wasn't enough, my mom had to marry my uncle who is the terrible new king. Yesterday I realized that my situation is worse than I expected. I found out that my uncle killed my dad. I thought that my situation couldn't get much worse, but as I typed that last sentence I spilled coffee all over the keyboard.